Back to School (virtually or in person)
means busier schedules and organizing! I wanted to share a few hacks that help me get back into the school routine! Check out this local franchise for all of your home organizing, moving / relocating and virtual organizing needs!

Owner of NEAT Method NEW ORLEANS. Born and raised on GRITS and SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY. Grew up in south Louisiana and graduated from LSU (Geaux Tigers!) Married to her high school SWEETHEART and mom to two TODDLERS. A MINIMALIST at heart. Has lived in EIGHT states and understands the art of PACKING, making her the MASTER of MOVES.
Check out some of Neat Method New Orleans' work below!
Visit www.NeatMethod.com for more information!

Another fresh favorite of mine is the...
Pura Fragrance Device!
Personalized scheduling & geofencing features allow your ambiance to compliment your lifestyle and save your fragrance!
Are you are looking to buy, sell or invest soon?
I would love to help you get organized!
Give me a call or text! 504-559-0614
