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My mission is to generate funds and awareness programs for Children’s Hospital New Orleans to help sick and injured kids in local communities. I am a proud supporter of Children’s Hospital New Orleans. I am passionate about donating proceeds of my listings to this hospital. These Donations help create miracles by funding medical care, research and education that saves and improves the lives of millions of children each year.

I have a personal connection with Children’s Hospital New Orleans. My son Mason at the age of 3 ½ years old had his first seizure. Children’s Hospital was the only facility to have a full department dedicated to pediatric neurology. He was diagnosed with Epilepsy after a year and half of grueling tests, hospital admits and countless hours of meeting with doctors. I felt like I lived at the hospital for the next 5 years of his treatment. It was with the love and support of his Neurologist and hospital workers that helped me through this difficult time. I want to make a difference and pay it forward. I will donate a portion of my commission to Children’s Medical Network for each transaction completed. All of my clients will receive a Honor Card with my donation in their honor.
- Lisa Martinez

Proud Member of The
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